General Settings

The General Settings section allows to configure general preferences as well as the application's visual and sound representation.

Device Control Layout

These settings control visual disk behavior in Disk Explorer and allow to Show or Hide a System Disk and devices which are not ready (offline).

Default serial number detection method
Select how Disk Editor retrieves the disk serial number by default. Values are: SMART, IOControl & WMI.
Local devices initialization
Select which types of devices appear in Disk Editor by default: Dynamic Disks, Fixed disks, Removable disks, CD/DVD/BD and Floppies.
Computer ID
Configure how the Disk Editor workstation is identified in logs & reports. Values are: None, BIOS Serial Number, Motherboard Serial Number.

Application Log File Settings

These settings apply to the log file generated by the application. All operations performed in a Disk Editor session will be saved in this log.

Log file location
Allows the user to specify where the application log file is saved. By default this is set to a Disk Editor installation directory.
Application log detail level
Manipulate the amount of details included in the logs. Options are: Minimum and Maximum.
Initialize application log when application starts
This setting configures whether Disk Editor generates a new log file for every session (erasing the log of the previous session) or appends new sessions to one log file. Moreover, logs can be placed to the files being named using naming pattern specified.


These are configurable options pertaining to the applications user interface and user experience.

Application style
Configures the color scheme used in the application. Values are: Blue, Olive, None (Use OS default), Silver and Dark.
Default toolbar style
Configures how icons are shown in the toolbar. Values are: Large icons, no text; Large icons, with text beside icon; Large icons, with text under icon; Small icons, with text beside icon; Small icons, no text.
Default help source
If available, user can select help documentation source to be addressed when requested. Values are: PDF, Context Help and On-line web help.
Show notification dialog after process complete
Show or hides final process confirmation dialog.
Reset all dialogs
Resets all the settings to the default state.